Curriculum & Instruction

The Student Support Team believes that schools and educators all play a role in recognizing learner diversity and creating school-wide systems that increase access to curriculum and instruction. We believe learner diversity is the norm, all students learn differently, and have different learning characteristics.

Schools demonstrate a commitment to learner diversity by

  • programming targeted interventions for struggling readers and ensuring consistent coaching of intervention teachers

  • providing co-planning time and coaching to support educators with developing an accessible curricula and using student work to set learning targets

  • provide professional development to all staff on the principles of access and reducing barriers

Teachers demonstrate a commitment to learner diversity by

  • designing units and lessons that are clearly aligned to learning objectives, have accessible features, and reduce barriers to learning

  • planning lessons that provide individual access and IEP accommodations

  • provide instructional texts at various independent reading levels

  • teach literacy intervention to help narrow the gap between independent reading and grade level reading

  • teach evidenced-based literacy intervention courses with fidelity to accelerate student growth

The Student Support Team supports this work by

  • working with teachers and school leaders to use the Equal Access to All Learners framework to think through how to plan accessible units, assessments, and lessons with intentional pacing and ENL teachers to intentionally embed language supports into their lessons

  • analyze reading data on students to develop literacy intervention programming options and provide professional development support to those teachers

  • provide in school support and professional development sessions